Waffles Slouchy Knit Hat in Americo Original Alpaca Matizada

Husband needed a new hat. The acrylic one I had bought for him from Sport Chek for $5 back in 2013 had torn itself apart in the laundry so badly (despite having been put inside a delicates bag, and laundered on gentle cycles) that a large hole had developed, rendering it useless as a method of warming one's head once the winter winds started up. Seeing the need for a much higher-quality hat that will actually last - and not destroy the planet in the process (you know, since I wish my child to have a future on this earth) - I took up my knitting needles back in October, as well as a couple of skeins of our DK weight superfine alpaca yarn, and began to knit Violet Waffles, a lovely (free) pattern for a tuque that features waffle stitches in the main body.

My modifications included using slightly larger than the needles called for, as I didn't have the correct size on hand (this worked well, as hubby's head is a little larger than what I'd say the average would be), and making the brim extra long so it could fold over (I just prefer the look of a folded brim over one that isn't, with the extra layer offering the added bonus of being that much warmer on hubby's head, whom I know particularly dislikes cold weather).

What you'll need for this project:

View the project page on Ravelry.

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