Happy Canada Day 2018!
I strongly believe that Canadian knitters, crocheters, tatters, and needlecrafters / fibreartists of all kinds, deserve to have Canadian options when shopping for their supplies. For this reason, and because I felt it was the perfect way to celebrate CanadaDay, I launched Artisanthropy.ca, two years ago today, when my daughter was just five months old. Since that time, we have grown from online, to vending at shows, to finding the perfect, quintessentially Canadian town (Cobourg!) to open up shop in, and even expanding to a second location (Kniterary in Whitby), all the while maintaining our online presence and service to not just Canadians, but international citizens the world over (yet another Canadian value we hold dear to our hearts). Through Artisanthropy, I aim to support local, Canadian businesses and artisans as much as possible by bringing both national and international awareness to the quality brands and artisanal goods we carry. While this business continues to evolve, I always strive to maintain these coreprinciples as our drivingforce. Canada, I love you, and am proud to call you my home. And to the rest of PlanetEarth, I love you too for carrying us here and hope we can continue to work together to ensure a bright, safe, peaceful, humanitarian and egalitarian future for every good citizen of the whole globe. To me, being Canadian isn't just about being a citizen of this country. It's also about embracing the cultural differences of the entire world, whilst also recognizing our universal oneness. To all my past, present and future customers: may you ENJOY your Canada Day long weekend with your loved ones, and remember all of the reasons you have to love and be grateful for this great country of ours, whilst being compassionate to those less fortunate. Let's make the next year one that counts in a positive way by making choices that positively affect the precious and delicate environment we are so fortunate to live within, and the communities around us, wherever they may be and whatever they may look like.
(Also, for laughs, look how funny my original logo was! Could you even read it? Most people couldn't... at least now with the new font, people can attempt to pronounce it, even if they still get it wrong a lot of the time!)